21 If you received a registration code from <COMPANY> or its authorized reseller, please enter the code here EXACTLY as it appears in the instructions.
22 Free updates and support will not be available in %d days
23 Click Renew to extend the period, or click Enter code to enter your renewal code.
24 Your Free Updates and Support Service period expired. Click Extend to renew.
25 The updated version cannot be used because your subscription period has expired. Please renew your subscription.
26 Enter code
27 Trial period expiration:
28 Register Today
29 You are about to start Renewal process
30 %d days left
31 %s (%d copies)
32 The registration code you entered cannot be saved to the registry.
33 Subscription expired
34 Unregistered Trial
35 Evaluation
36 &Exit
37 Unknown
38 Custom...
39 Application is requesting for inbound connection
40 Application is requesting for outbound connection
41 Local Port
42 Local Address
43 Create rule for %s
44 Are you sure you want to block this application?\nAny rules created for this application will be deactivated.
45 You must select an action.
46 Your system is trying to communicate via %s protocol
47 Smart Advisor
48 The Smart Advisor Service is unavailable now.
77 Please wait...
78 In several cases the access to the <COMPANY> server can be blocked by <PRODUCT>.\nMake sure to allow <PRODUCT> Internet access and allowing rule for DNS is present and enabled.
79 See the product <a src=help/ofp_en.chm>documentation</a> for details.
100 Process Name
101 Start Time
102 Up Time
103 State
104 IP Address
105 Port
106 Protocol
107 State
108 Direction
109 Reason
110 Process Name
111 Start Time
112 Up Time
113 Local Address
114 Local Port
115 Remote Address
116 Remote Port
117 Protocol
118 Sent
119 Recv
120 Bytes Per Second
121 Date/Time
122 Event
123 System Log
124 Requested Address
125 From Address
126 To Address
127 From Port
128 To Port
130 Packet Type
131 Packet Flags
132 TCP Flags
133 Packet Size
134 IP Size
135 Identification
136 Blocked Packets
142 Process ID
143 Filename
144 Arguments
145 Start Time
146 Up Time
147 Context
148 Allow/Block Reason
149 IP Address
150 DNS name
151 Date/Time
152 Date/Time
160 DNS Resolver
161 Ports History
162 All Connections
163 Context
164 Process
165 Allowed Connections
166 Blocked Connections
167 Trashcan
207 Component
208 Description
209 Details
210 Status
211 New
212 Modified
309 Outbound
312 TCP
313 UDP
314 ICMP
342 Inbound
350 Lower port range bound cannot be greater than upper
351 NetBIOS Connection
352 *NetBIOS
353 Options
354 Please specify port numbers.
355 Cannot find alias %s.
356 Please specify the port aliases.
357 Port number must be in range from 0 to 65535.
358 Exit
360 Specified port is already on the list.
361 Specified port range is already on the list.
362 <PRODUCT> service driver failed to start because of the following Windows error:\n%s\nERROR CODE %08X
363 <PRODUCT> service driver not found.
364 Cannot start the network services configuration, probably because Windows is run in Safe Mode.
365 <PRODUCT> service driver does not exist or failed to start.
366 <PRODUCT> driver configuration was invalid and could not be corrected.\nPlease contact our support at http://www.agnitum.com/support/
367 <PRODUCT> driver configuration was invalid and could not be corrected.\n\nTo resolve the problem:\n1. From the <PRODUCT> installation folder run install.exe /u\n2. Restart your computer;\n3. From the <PRODUCT> installation folder run install.exe;\n4. Restart your computer again;\n5. Start <PRODUCT>.
390 Unknown
394 Listening
438 Allowed
439 Blocked
440 Firewall TCP Connections
441 Firewall UDP Datagrams
442 Inbound Allowed
443 Outbound Allowed
444 Total Allowed
445 TCP Sent
446 TCP Received
447 UDP Sent
448 UDP Received
449 Total Sent
450 Total Received
451 Inbound Blocked
452 Outbound Blocked
453 Total Blocked
465 Library %s is not a valid <PRODUCT> plug-in.
466 Cannot load library %s.
467 Library %s is already loaded.
468 Undefined Rule
469 Allow All Activity
470 Block All Activity
471 Learning Mode
472 Allow NetBIOS Traffic
473 Block NetBIOS Traffic
474 Allow ICMP Type 10
475 ICMP Traffic
476 Allow Once
477 Block Once
478 Trusted Zone
479 Established TCP Connection
480 Stealth Mode Block RST
481 NetBIOS broadcast
482 Receive non-local packets
483 Defining the rule...
484 Disable Mode
485 Block Transit Packets
486 Localhost Connection
487 Packet to closed port
488 Reject Connection to Port Opened by System
489 Closing in %d secs
490 Blocked by Component Control
491 FTP Data Connection
492 Allow NAT Packets
493 Function call blocked (%s)
494 Allow connection to Agnitum Publisher Service
495 Block fragmented packets
496 Allow %s to start any hidden process in future
497 Blocked by Ethernet attack detector
498 Blocked by DNS Cache
499 DNS cache used instead
500 Blocked by NAT
501 Blocked by intrusion detector
502 Blocked by ID Block
503 Blocked by third-party plug-in
504 Blocked by Process Memory Control
505 Blocked by Hidden Process Control
515 Close
599 Unknown Protocol
600 Component control level is DISABLED\nComponent control level is NORMAL\nComponent control level is MAXIMUM
1000 Bytes
1001 KB
1002 MB
1003 Bps
1004 KBps
1005 MBps
1100 %02d sec(s)
1101 %d min(s) %02d sec(s)
1102 %d hour(s) %d min(s) %02d sec(s)
1103 %d day(s) %d hour(s) %d min(s) %02d sec(s)
2000 <COMPANY>
2001 <PRODUCT>
2002 Would you like to stop service and exit application?\n<PRODUCT> will stop protecting your system.
3000 <VERSION>
63022 You may legally use <PRODUCT> during a trial period. If you would like to continue using it after that period, please click Order.\n\nYou can order the registered version online, by phone, or by mail. Immediate online delivery is available from www.agnitum.com
63023 The evaluation period of this application will expire in %d days.
63024 The evaluation period for this application has expired.
63025 Thank you for trying <PRODUCT>!\n\nYou can order the registered version online, by phone, or by mail. Immediate online delivery is available from www.agnitum.com\n\nIf you would like to continue using <PRODUCT> please click Order now.
63026 The information that you have entered is either incomplete or invalid. Please re-enter your details.
63027 If you paid <PRODUCT> registration fee and received a registration code from <COMPANY> or its authorized reseller, please enter your registration key here EXACTLY as it appears in the instructions.
63028 Thank you for registering!
63029 Registration key you have entered is incorrect.
63030 <COMPANY> Command Center has not returned a valid registration key. Please contact your system administrator.
63031 Please restart <PRODUCT> to update registration information.
63032 &Buy with discount
63033 &Order
63100 Alerts Tracker
63101 From
63102 Date/Time
63103 Alert Description
63104 Details
63105 Show history
63106 Never report this event
63107 Date/Time
63108 Event
63109 Process
63110 Component
63111 Checksum
63112 Component Control
63113 User has blocked application
63114 Registering new application
63115 Checking application components
63116 Component has changed
63117 Component checksum stored
63118 Component checksum updated
63119 Component checking completed
63120 User has approved component changes
63121 Component Control disabled
63122 Component Control level set to Normal
63123 Component Control level set to Maximum
63150 The key you have entered is invalid.
63151 Error
63152 The key you have entered has expired.
63153 Hidden process requests an outbound network connection
63154 Process requests network connection
63155 Network access for %s was blocked because its memory was modified by another process
63156 Process wrote to memory %s
63157 Process network access blocked
63158 %s modified memory of %s
63159 The process run through OLE Automation requires network access. This process can be controlled by another process and transmit private information. If you are sure the process is legitimate, allow access for this process according to the existing application rules.
63160 The hidden process run in invisible mode requires network access. If you are sure the process is legitimate, allow access for this process according to the existing application rules.
63161 The hidden process run in invisible mode on another desktop requires network access. If you are sure the process is legitimate, allow access for this process according to the existing application rules.
63162 The process is trying to transmit suspicious parameters through the command line. If you are sure the process is legitimate, allow access for this process according to the existing application rules.
63163 The hidden process requires network access. This process can be controlled by another process and transmit private information. If you are sure the process is legitimate, allow access for this process according to the existing application rules.
63164 Cannot determine parent process.
63166 Inappropriate license type.
63167 Allow Sophos application connection
63168 Closing connection for completed application